Hyderabad: The police department is instructed to be on high alert for next three days as there are predictions by IMD that the State could receive huge rainfall, M Mahender Reddy, Director General of Police (DGP) M Mahender Reddy said on Monday.
The officer also advised the officials to be available round-the-clock for public service, and Dial 100 calls should be attended with utmost priority as Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao has instructed all government departments to be on their toes with regard to the ongoing monsoon.
Meanwhile, City Commissioner Anjani Kumar also instructed the city police officers to be on alert for the next few days. He noted, “The officers shall especially focus on low-lying areas along the Musi River, Tank Bund, Mir Alam and other areas where inundation issues are reported usually.
The SHOs are to monitor the rainfall and alert the authorities concerned to minimise inconvenience to citizens and all senior officers shall coordinate with the local municipal, revenue, irrigation and other department officials in shifting people to function halls and other temporary shelters wherever needed.”
“The senior traffic officers were advised to ensure the hassle-free flow of traffic on important routes wherever possible. Also, the situation is being monitored from the command and control centre and necessary instructions are being issued to the ground-level officers,” added the Commissioner.