Hyderabad: ‘Pitch in the Ring’ organised by Telangana State Innovation Cell

Hyderabad: Pitch in the Ring was organised on Wednesday at T-hub by Telangana State Innovation Cell (TSIC) with 23 innovators.

The innovator scouted through the last four editions of the house innovator campaign, showcasing their innovations to a diverse set of stakeholders from the State Innovation Ecosystem. The initiative is aimed towards mapping the support mechanisms from various ecosystem entities to innovators. 

TSIC in partnership with Resolute4IP released a Pocket Guide which is a good starting point for innovators to sensitise on all the forms of IPs including who can file, governing laws, and terms of protection and renewals.

The Chief Investigating Officer (CIO) stated that such platforms for innovators are a significant move to catapult their innovation to the market and get more recognition.