Hyderabad: Piles of garbage left unattended near Badshahi Ashurkhana

Hyderabad: With Muharram is just two days away, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) has left piles of garbage unattended on the Badshai Ashurkhana premises.

Located near Charminar, Badshahi Ashurkhana is classified as a class-one heritage site. The GHMC officials claimed that the area was cleaned a few days ago, however, the garbage was not lifted.

Speaking to Siasat.com, Murtuza Moosavi, the caretaker of the Ashurkhana alleged that the GHMC had left piles of dirt on the premises, which may cause inconvenience to devotees during the Muharram.

Meanwhile, GHMC official, Dr Srikanth Reddy, while speaking to Siasat.com, assured proper action on the complaints of the concerned people.

“We have been assuring safety and sanitation since the occasion of Eid Al Adha, now we have taken steps to clean the premises in the wake of Muharram. There may have been some inconvenience, but we assure every possible step to clean the premises. It will be done within a day.” Reddy said.

What is the Badshahi Ashurkhana?

The Baadshahi Ashurkhana was constructed between 1592-96. Like other Ashurkhanas, this one too saw bad days for nearly a century after the Qutb Shahi dynasty fell to Aurangzeb’s army in 1687. It wasn’t until Nizam Ali (the second monarch of the Asaf Jahi dynasty) came to power that the Ashurkhana was given an annual grant.

An Ashurkhana is a plce where Shia Muslims mourn during the day Ashura (10th of Muharram). The place is dedicated to Imam Hussain, Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, who was martyred in the battle of Karbala. Hussain (AS) was the son of Imam Ali.

Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calender year (Hijri).