Hyderabad: A woman working as a pharmacist at ESI hospital in Sanath Nagar was arrested by the Anti-Corruption Bureau on Sunday for alleged involvement in the Rs 8 crore medicine scam.
The accused, Nagalakshmi, has been sent on judicial remand. With the latest arrest, 10 people have landed in ACB custody so far. Nagalakshmi is reported to have committed large scale irregularities colluding with a pharma company managing director MD Baddam Sudhakar Reddy.
Sudhakar is learned to have got purchase order of Rs 8.25 crore medical bills from the director, assistant director and other officials. He was taken into custody on Saturday.
The arrested persons are accused of preparing fake indents and falsification of records in violation of the rules for purchasing medicines and surgical kits, thereby causing a loss of Rs 11.69 crore to the exchequer.
The probe revealed that Baddam Sudhakar Reddy personally pursued and met the former IMS director Dr Ch. Devika Rani and colluded with her. They colluded to get him a purchase order of Rs 8.25 crore. The investigators found that there was no specific reason for placing such a huge order to Life Care Drugs and Surgicals Company.
Authored by Mohammed Hussain, mohammedhussain.reporter@gmail.com Twitter: @writetohussain