Hyderabad: OU students protest ten-fold increase in PhD fee

Hyderabad: Members of the Osmania University student union on Tuesday presented a letter to the Dean requesting them to reduce PhD course fee. 

The letter was presented to the Dean’s Faculties of the Social Sciences, Sciences, Law, Commerce, Engineering and Technology by the representatives of All India Students’ Federation (AISF), Students Federation of India (SFI) and Progressive Democratic Students Union (PDSU) parties in the university. 

In reply to the letter, many Dean Faculties said that they had no role in deciding the fee, and informed that the Vice Chancellor and the Registrar of the university played a decisive role, said a press release.

Course fee for PhD research students of Social Sciences, Arts, Education, Commerce, Management, and Oriental Languages was Rs 2000. Recently It has been increased to Rs 20,000. 

For the research students of Sciences, Engineering, Technology, and Pharmacy, the course fee used to be Rs 2500 it has been increased to Rs 25,000. The fee has been increased by ten times. 

The student union in their press release said that many poor and middle-class students at Osmania University, are confused about whether to pay the fees fixed by the university or to drop the admission.

They demanded a reduction in the fee to ensure that poor students don’t drop out of the admissions.