Hyderabad: Osmania University offers swimming coaching to students, staff

Hyderabad: Osmania University, Department of Physical Education is set to offer swimming coaching classes to the university students, staff, students of affiliated colleges and the general public for the duration of three months.

The swimming coaching will be provided through 8 batches: 4 morning batches, 3 evening batches and one special batch for women.

Professor Rajesh Kumar, the Director of Physical Education, at OU said, “There will be a coach available to train the participants and we will have at least four lifeguards on duty during the swimming batches”.

The general public can pay a fee of Rs 2150 in the first month and from the second month onwards the renewal fee is Rs 2000. For university students, the first month’s fee is Rs 200 and it can be renewed second month onwards for Rs 100.

Students from colleges affiliated with OU can avail the facility at the cost of Rs 850 in the first month and the renewal fee second month onwards is Rs 700.

The morning batches will start at 6 am for a duration of 40 minutes each and the evening batches will start at 3:30 pm for a duration of 40 minutes each. The special ladies’ batch will be conducted from 9:20 am to 10 am.

Interested people may contact the Department of Physical Education, Osmania University or call 9885911520 for more details.