Hyderabad: Online scammers call cops after getting exposed

Hyderabad: In a bizarre incident, a fake call centre in the city dialled up the police after being hacked by US-based YouTube channel Scammer Payback.

The incident took place two weeks ago when the channel hacked into the system of the call centre located on the fifth floor of the BVL complex in a Hi-tech city. Scammer Payback monitored the call centre’s activity for about ten days, before swinging into action.

Scammer Payback hacked into one of the computers inside the call centre and downloaded a few files to gather customer information. There were about 50,000 victims across the world. After accessing the computer, Scammer Payback deleted 99 percent of the information stored by the call centre.

When the YouTuber informed one of the employees that the computer at the call centre wasn’t functioning, he asked the YouTuber to lock his computer.

The very next moment, the call centre began to panic asking SP as to what they had seen on their computer screens. The YouTube channel then revealed the call centre’s IP address to the employee, after which the call gets disrupted.

YouTube video

SP then searched through the files downloaded from the scammers in order to reach out to customers, so that they could return the money to the victims of the scam. The call centre had sent fake emails to people. When Scammer Payback tried to contact the call center, they were blocked.

The call centre employees begin to panic and blame each other for allowing the channel to access the customer information. Scammer Payback finally revealed its identity to the manager of the call centre.