Hyderabad: MIM Corporator of Shastripuram, Misbauddin physically assaulted a youth belonging to Old City. This incident took place outside Mamatha Hospital.
As per the details of the incident, a woman along with her son had gone to the hospital to get the delivery date of her granddaughter.
Nurse verbally abused woman
At the hospital, a nurse reportedly verbally abused the woman and asked her to leave the premises. The woman took the matter to the doctor, Dr. Anwarullah.
Soon after her complaint, a watchman who was in drunkard condition approached her with the intention of confronting her. He also pushed her.
It was only after this incident, the woman’s son retaliated and pushed the watchman.
MIM corporator beats youth
After seeing the scuffle, the Corporator along with some other men stepped out of his car and started beating the youth.
After the assault, the youth lodged a police complaint. He received six stitches.
In the attack, the woman also received minor injuries.