Hyderabad: NIPUN launched to empower construction workers

Hyderabad: National Initiative for Promotion of Upskilling of Nirman Workers (NIPUN) with the objective of empowering the workers in the construction sector through skill development has been launched at Muppa Melody Site, Osman Nagar.

National Real Estate Development Council (NAREDCO) has been recognized as a Project Implementation Agency (PIA) and Prabhodita as a training partner, to implement the NIPUN project and undertake region-specific initiatives across the country.

The program was inaugurated by Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) chief city planner S Devendar Reddy in the presence of NAREDCO officials and Muppa Homes Pvt Ltd chairman Muppa Venkaiah Chowdary.

Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), with the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), launched NIPUN on June 21, 2022, to upskill over one lakh construction workers.

The skill development program will be carried out through a network of industry partners in the construction sector and Sector Skill Councils (SSC) i.e. construction, infrastructure equipment, and plumbing, within a period of one year.

The real estate and construction sector alone needs 45 million additional skilled workers over the next 10 years, the need of the hour is to develop and offer formal learning and skilling programs to workers, said a press release.

The initiative will cover multiple developers, construction sites and construction workers, starting its first step with at Muppa Melody site, Osman Nagar in Hyderabad.

Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) chief city planner S Devendar Reddy said, “With the potential to benefit over 200 construction workers at Muppa Melody, the NIPUN program will not only benefit the workers in terms of enhancing knowledge of their job roles but also equip them on safety aspects to ensure reduction of accidents at the construction sites. NIPUN offers competency-based on-site skill training and certification mechanism including social security opportunities to the disadvantaged construction workers.”

Who can Participate in NIPUN

  • Any construction worker of Indian nationality who is between the ages 18 and 45,
  • Has prior experience in the job role (for which RPL certification is desired) and as specified by the Sector Skill Council for those job roles
  • Possesses an Aadhaar card and Aadhaar-linked bank account
  • Fulfils other criteria related to work experience, as defined by the SSCs for the respective job roles

Benefits to the Employer

  • Improved efficiency of workers and knowledge of personal health and safety
  • Reduced wastage of time and money/resources with Better quality output
  • Reduced supervision which would further lead to a reduction in supervisory costs
  • Free of-cost training and capacity building of their construction workers
  • Long-run saving in overall project cost

Benefits to the Trainee (Construction Workers)

  • Free On-site Up-skilling Training for the construction workers
  • Kaushal Bima (3-year accidental insurance with coverage of Rs 2 lakhs) to all the certified workers in the project
  • BOCW registration
  • Skill India certification co-branded with MoHUA to the successful candidates
  • Reduction of accidents at the site through knowledge of personal safety
  • Orientation about entrepreneurship/self-employment opportunities
  • Knowledge enhancement of tools and techniques in the occupation and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Observed enhancement in productivity of construction workers and opportunity for growth in wages