V. Amani, 24, who recently got married has committed suicide by hanging on Wednesday morning. She left a suicide note mentioning that her ex-boyfriend harassed her and spoiled her life. However, her parents allege that the woman’s husband and in-laws also harassed her.
She came to the city after completing her graduation two years ago. She met one Rakesh when she joined a private college to pursue her MBA. But Rakesh dominated her and took Amani’s debit card and used the money her parents sent for college fee and expenses.
Meanwhile, she came in contact with one Ramnivas of Vijayanagar Colony in Meerpet. They fell in love and got married one-and-a-half-months back in an Arya Samaj. Amani could not share it with her parents and wanted to end her life.
“The woman was depressed with her past and married Ramnivas without informing her parents. The couple was happy, but she ended her life when her husband and in-laws were sleeping on Wednesday.” Meerpet inspector A. Manmohan said.