Hyderabad: Muslims call for boycott of state-sponsored Iftar

Hyderabad: City-based religious organisation All India Sufi Ulema Council (AISUC) on Thursday urged Muslims to boycott state-sponsored iftar and gifts during the month of Ramzaan.

The AISUC president, Maulana Mohammed Khairuddin Qadri headed the meeting here and called on Muslims to refrain from state-sponsored events. The council has announced the boycott of events in protest of the delay in the release of funds for imams and mauzins of mosques across Telangana.

A few leaders attending the meeting expressed dismay over the non-payment of honorariums to the imams and muazins for several months now.

“We have decided in the all-party meet to boycott iftar parties and Ramzan gifts by the state government. We appeal to Muslims to observe the boycott call,” said Maulana Qadri.