Hyderabad: In an incident of cruelty which took place in Tukaramgate area, a six-year-old girl was beaten by her mother’s beau after she refused to attend school.
During the brutality, her back, hands and neck got injured.
According to the report published in DC, Anasuya (24) who is a daily wage labourer was living with her younger daughter since her husband died in an accident one year ago. Her elder daughter has been living with her parents.
Meanwhile, Anasuya met Praveen Kumar (23) who is a centring worker. She then started living with him along with her daughter.
It may be mentioned that since the past few days, her 6-year-old daughter has been refusing to attend school. Angry at her behaviour, Praveen started beating her. She got many injuries on her body.
After the incident, police booked a case under section 77 of the Juvenile Justice Act and started investigating the case.