Hyderabad: In yet another shameful incident, a youth raped an 8-year-old girl in the area which falls under the jurisdiction of Rein Bazar Police Station. Police arrested the accused who was a carpenter.
According to the details of the incident, Mohammed Salman (21), a native of Delhi was working as a carpenter in a furniture shop located at Mataki Khidki, Rein Bazar. On the evening of 7th May, when the girl was passing through the road, the accused called her and forcibly took her to his place and raped her. The local residents informed the police. Police reached the spot and arrested the accused.
Mr. Mohammed Javeed, Inspector of Police, Rein Bazar told that a case has been registered under Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO) and arrested the accused.
Later, he was produced in the court of law and the magistrate sent him to jail.
–Siasat News