Hyderabad: In yet another incident of heinous crime, a minor girl was allegedly kidnapped and raped by the headmaster of an Upper Primary School and his nephew. This incident took place at Shamsabad area.
According to the details furnished by ACP of Shamsabad Police, Mr. S. Ashok Kumar Goud, the headmaster of the school, Syed Akbar (55) cheated a minor girl who had failed in an Intermediate examination under the pretext of getting her passed in the exam. He also made a fake promise to get her admitted in a degree college.
The father of the victim registered a complaint with Shamsabad Police. A special team was constituted which traced out the accused persons, Syed Akbar and his nephew, Mohammed Imran Khan (21), a resident of MM Pahadi.
Police arrested and produced them in the court of law. The magistrate sent them in judicial custody.
–Siasat News