Hyderabad: Police Commissioner’s Task Force team on Sunday rescued a 4-year-old boy who was kidnapped from Falaknuma area of old city three days back. Rafiya Sultana, the mother of the kidnapped boy had lodged a complaint with police after his son Abdul Wahed suddenly went missing.
The accused Samreen native ofDoodhbowli,Hussainialam area and she is having three daughters,by profession she is a beggar.Accused elder daughter got married 9 yearago but she couldn’t bless with a child due to which her husband neglected her.
Accused made a plan to kidnap male boy for her daughter and also thought that if she has small childrens he may get more
money in begging.
The child was reunited with the parents while the woman was handed over to the Falaknuma police where a case was registered. She was arrested and is being produced before the court.
The accused Samreen native ofDoodhbowli,Hussainialam area and she is having three daughters,by profession she is a beggar.Accused elder daughter got married 9 yearago but she couldn’t bless with a child due to which her husband neglected her.
Accused made a plan to kidnap male boy for her daughter and also thought that if she has small childrens he may get more
money in begging.
The kidnapped boy was rescued and handed over to the parents.