Hyderabad: MBT member held over fake news post on Raja Singh

Hyderabad: A member of the Majlis Bachao Tehreek was on Saturday detained for allegedly posting fake news regarding suspended Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Raja Singh.

The detained person identfied as Mohammed Azimuddin, claimed that Singh who has been jailed under the Preventive Detention Act will be released on Monday. “Raja Singh filed a writ petition in the high court, challenging the PD Act registered against him. Justice K Lalitha said she will set aside the PD Act on Monday. There is no serious representation from the government side. The AG should have appeared in the matter.” read the post.

Following the post, Azeemuddin was taken into custody by the Cybercrime branch. It is to be noted that the BJP MLA was arrested under the PD Act after his video defaming Prophet Muhammad led to major protests in the old city.