Sea of heads witnessed as the people in Hyderabad took to streets on Wednesday protesting over the rape and murder of an eight-year-old girl in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kathua district. The rally began at Hussaini Alam towards Charminar. People sloganeered against protecting the accused by the leaders of the saffron party and demanded the government to serve justice to those who were ruthlessly raped and killed in the name of religion, ethnicity, and status in the society. (Pics. Laeeq)
Sea of heads witnessed as the people in Hyderabad took to streets on Wednesday protesting over the rape and murder of an eight-year-old girl in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kathua district. The rally began at Hussaini Alam towards Charminar. People sloganeered against protecting the accused by the leaders of the saffron party and demanded the government to serve justice to those who were ruthlessly raped and killed in the name of religion, ethnicity, and status in the society. (Pics. Laeeq)
Sea of heads witnessed as the people in Hyderabad took to streets on Wednesday protesting over the rape and murder of an eight-year-old girl in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kathua district. The rally began at Hussaini Alam towards Charminar. People sloganeered against protecting the accused by the leaders of the saffron party and demanded the government to serve justice to those who were ruthlessly raped and killed in the name of religion, ethnicity, and status in the society. (Pics. Laeeq)
Sea of heads witnessed as the people in Hyderabad took to streets on Wednesday protesting over the rape and murder of an eight-year-old girl in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kathua district. The rally began at Hussaini Alam towards Charminar. People sloganeered against protecting the accused by the leaders of the saffron party and demanded the government to serve justice to those who were ruthlessly raped and killed in the name of religion, ethnicity, and status in the society. (Pics. Laeeq)
Sea of heads witnessed as the people in Hyderabad took to streets on Wednesday protesting over the rape and murder of an eight-year-old girl in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kathua district. The rally began at Hussaini Alam towards Charminar. People sloganeered against protecting the accused by the leaders of the saffron party and demanded the government to serve justice to those who were ruthlessly raped and killed in the name of religion, ethnicity, and status in the society. (Pics. Laeeq)
Sea of heads witnessed as the people in Hyderabad took to streets on Wednesday protesting over the rape and murder of an eight-year-old girl in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kathua district. The rally began at Hussaini Alam towards Charminar. People sloganeered against protecting the accused by the leaders of the saffron party and demanded the government to serve justice to those who were ruthlessly raped and killed in the name of religion, ethnicity, and status in the society. (Pics. Laeeq)