Hyderabad: Court sentenced a 46-year-old man to “rigorous imprisonment for life”. He was convicted for raping his daughter.
According to the report published in Times of India, he committed this heinous crime at Kalapather in 2016. On Friday, a special judge pronounced the sentence.
As per the details of the case, victim’s mother had filed a case against the person on 27th September 2016. She said that although she gave Khula (divorce) to her husband, he used to visit her house in drunken condition.
The victim’s mother said that her former husband had come to her house on 24th September 2016 at 2 p.m., locked her in a room and then raped her daughter. The victim was 12-year-old when the heinous crime took place. It was the neighbour who rescued the girl, she added.
During the proceeding of the case, many witnesses and statement of the victim and her mother were produced before the court. The medical finding also played an important role in the conviction of the person.
It is also reported that the convict has cited his ill health and sought the lenient view of the court. However, the court said that as the crime is a heinous one, the convict is not entitled to any lenient view.