Hyderabad: In a gruesome incident, a 24-year-old woman was allegedly drugged and raped by her friend Zeeshan Moinuddin arrested by Miyapur police on Friday.
According to Deccan Chronicle, Moinuddin, 30-year-old, resident of Malakpet allegedly ran his own drug peddling business in the city. Victim and accused became facebook friends two years ago and used to chat every day.
ACP S. Ravi Kumar said, “Recently her parents detected her addiction and that she had been raped by Zeeshan.”
According to Telangana Today, Victim got addicted to drugs more to marijuana and was regular client of him. He often visits victim to supply the drugs and allegedly assaulted her when she loses her consciousness after taking the drugs.
“He exploited her sexually by supplying ganja. He used to offer ganja by rolling it in cigarettes,” she told the police.
Police said, “She seems to be mentally ill and is behaving in a very unusual manner. It could be the impact of the drugs. We have asked for a medical examination.”
Based on victim’s mother complaint, a case had been registered under Section 376 (1) and arrested Moinuddin.