Hyderabad: Madrasa students get free health checkups; health cards

Hyderabad: Free health checkups of 50 students in batch one of the screening programme by (Helping Hand Foundation) HHF-SEED-run primary health care centres were uptaken at Rabia Miskin Clinic attached to Masjid Mohammed Mustafa in Wadi-e-Mehmood, Rajendaranagar.

Students in Rajendranagar Madrasas, government schools, orphanages, mosques, temples, and churches will receive a free health screening by HHF, a non-government public health organization which has been working for over 17 years in the public health space. Health cards will also be issued after the check-up.

Based on a mandate of the World Health Organization (WHO) that Health Justice and Universal Health Coverage be achieved with essential healthcare services being taken close to vulnerable sections of the community, HHF-SEED has been setting up health centres in the remotest parts of the city mainly in urban slums.

The health centre representatives then map key stakeholders in the catchment area of each of the 12 health centre zones.

Madrasas, govt schools, orphanages, old age homes, mosques, temples, and churches are mapped to each of its health centres to establish a connection with these groups for health screening, assessment, treatment and follow-ups.

So far, HHF has mapped 40 madrasas in the catchment area of Rajendaranagar and 50 students, deprived of essential nutrition and basic health have been screened for anemia, skin diseases, eye checks and dental health.