Hyderabad: A 17-year-old intermediate student was stabbed to death on Monday in broad day light. The incident happened at around 8 in the morning when the teenage boy was on his way to appear in board examination.
Sudheer Erragalla was on a bike with his friends near the Kukatpally metro station, when four men stopped them. On seeing the armed men Sudheer started to run on the road and in a bid to save himself from the gang, he boarded a school bus. However, they pulled Sudheer out of the vehicle and stabbed him, The News Minute reported.
Of four, three attackers escaped, while one was caught by the crowd and handed over to the police. The student had reportedly got into a fight with the attackers a couple of days ago. The police did not disclose any information related to the case, as their probe is on. The body was moved to Gandhi hospital.