Hyderabad: A 50-year-old man allegedly killed his wife at Ramanthapur, the police detected the accused in 24 hours. The sleuths of Uppal police station have arrested 50-year-old Moosali Srinivas Rao for killing his wife over a property issue, the police said on Wednesday.
According to police, the suspect Srinivas resident of Laxminarayan colony at Ramanthapur in Uppal have removed his wife and daughter from the house over a property dispute. The mother along with her daughter was living in her sister’s house. Since then Srinivas had a grudge on his wife and hatched a plan to eliminate her from the property.
According to his plan, Srinivas on December 24 went to his wife’s house and had an argument with her over property then the argument turned into fight, Srinivas hit his wife with wooden pestle lead to serious head injury with severe bleeding, Srinivas left his wife in the life and death situation and ran away from the house. Later, the mother of one daughter died then and there.
The Uppal police tracked down the accused Srinivas in 24 hours and arrested him, Srinivas is in the police custody at the moment. During the interrogation, the accused voluntarily confessed his guilt of committing the offence.