Hyderabad: Police registered cases against MBT activists who were protesting against the objectionable post on Social media. Human Rights Commission issued notice to Commissioner of Police of Hyderabad to submit his report before 5th December. This was the result of a representation made by Mr. Amjadullah Khan Khalid, spokesman of MBT who made a complaint to HRC. Mr. D. Subramanyam, Secretary of HRC issued this notice.
In the complaint, it was stated that a group consisting of 500 Muslim youth protested in front of ACP Office, Santosh Nagar and protested against the sub-Inspector of Police of Santosh Nagar, Mr. Praveen Kumar for not taking action against the objectionable post on time. Some youths have shouted slogans and pelted stones. Mr. Habeeb, an activists of MBT who was not present on this occasion was also arrested. In fact, he was in his house located that Moin Bagh, Riyasat Nagar. In his complaint, Mr. Habeeb pointed out the names of South Zone Police Officials and task force officials who registered cases against him at the instance of MIM. In his petition, he mentioned that there is a danger to his life. He has been receiving threatening telephone calls.
Meanwhile, DCP of South Zone released a statement that some miscreants from Gulf countries and America are posting objectionable materials which is causing disturbance in the political atmosphere of Hyderabad. Mr. Mahender Reddy, Commissioner of Police Hyderabad has convened a meeting of all the religious leaders on 19th November.
–Siasat News