Hyderabad: Hospitals under scanner for hiding C-section deliveries

Hyderabad: Private hospitals in Hyderabad came under the scanner for hiding C-section deliveries by recording them as normal deliveries.

Now, the government officials are gearing up to verify the details recorded by the hospitals by visiting the addresses of the women. A complaint will be lodged with National Medical Commission if officials find misreporting.

Excessive C-section deliveries in private hospitals in Hyderabad

Earlier, National Family Health Survey-5 (NFHS-5) revealed that the private hospitals in Hyderabad and other districts of Telangana saw an alarmingly high number of C-section deliveries in the last five years.

It has increased to 81.5 percent from 74.5 percent recorded in NFHS-4. In the state’s urban areas, the percentage is 82.7 whereas, in rural areas, it is 80.6 percent.

Out of total deliveries that took place in hospitals in Hyderabad, 75 percent were C-sections in the last five years.

Is C-section delivery harmful?

Unwanted C-section delivery not only puts the burden on the pocket but also makes it difficult for the woman to go for vaginal birth in the future.

It also possesses certain risks to newborns such as delayed breastfeeding, lower birth weight, etc.

However, when medically justified, the procedure can prevent maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity.

Why are C-section deliveries rising in hospital in Hyderabad?

One of the reasons for the rise in the rate of unwanted C-section deliveries in hospitals in Hyderabad and other districts of Telangana is superstitions about auspicious timing.

Most of the women also opt for the procedure as they don’t want to bear the labour pains.

Apart from the above two reasons, some private hospitals encourage pregnant women to go for C-sections unnecessarily just to make a quick buck.

Actions by Telangana government

In order to control the rising number of C-section deliveries in Telangana, the State government has taken certain steps.

A few months back, State health minister T Harish Rao told media persons that a two-pronged approach will be implemented by the government to tackle the rising rates of the procedure.

The government will provide an incentive of Rs 3,000 to government hospital staff on increasing normal delivery rates whereas, private hospitals that report a high number of procedure will face suspension of registrations.