Hyderabad: Home guard heartening gesture went viral, earns praise

HYDERABAD: Photos and videos of a Home guard compassionately feeding a homeless old woman went viral on social media platforms on Sunday.

The humanitarian act by Kukatpally traffic police station home guard B Gopal (1275) has touched the hearts of netizens who applauded the heartening gesture.

According to the New Indian Express, Gopal who has been working as a home guard for the last 10 years, noticed the destitute woman seated near JNTUH crossroads in Kukatpally under a tree.

After noticing the lady at the same spot from past three day, Gopal on Sunday approach and enquired about her plight. Local shopkeepers told that the woman is from Tellapur, and mother of nine children was abandoned by her sons.

“Her husband Kasaiah passed away a few years ago. She claimed her children abandoned her and one of her sons stays near JNTU area but does not take care of her,” says Gopal.

After listing to her story, Gopal could not stop himself from helping her.

“I offered her a cup of tea and then bought lunch for her. But she was unable to even eat with her own hands, so I fed her,” he said.

“The elderly woman who was seated near JNTUH crossroads reminded me of my mother. I could not stop myself from helping her,” he said.

After his ‘heroic’ act was highlighted, Home Minister Nayani Narasimha Reddy honoured Gopal for his gesture.

“This called change, not only friendly police, also called social responsibility,” a netizen Satya commented