Hyderabad: Police on Thursday registered a case against a group that identifies itself as “Hindu Dharma Protectors” for allegedly assaulting a pastor. The group assaulted the pastor after accusing him of felicitating religious conversions.
According to Chandra Mouli, the pastor, he visited a believer’s house to offer prayers, where the group arrived and allegedly abused and assaulted him.
Following this, he lodged a complaint at the Vanasthalipuram police station, after which a case was registered against the group. The police said it is investigating the matter.
However, on Friday afternoon, several groups including those belonging to BJP and RSS attempted to stage a protest at the police station, accusing the police of “being quiet on religious conversions”.
The groups also accused that the police is registering cases on those protesting against religious conversions.
According to police officials, some activists from BJP and RSS arrived at the police station and started protesting in front of the station and raised slogans against Telangana State Police.