Hyderabad: In yet another incident of crime against women, a girl was allegedly set on fire by 18-year-old youth. This incident took place at New Ganga Nagar, Amberpet three days ago. On Friday, she succumbed to her injuries.
According to the report published in Telangana Today, the victim suffered 70% burns. After the incident, she was shifted to hospital. However, she died on Friday. Meanwhile, the accused who was identified as Sohail also suffered 30% burns. He is under treatment.
Talking about the case, Mr. P Goverdhan Reddy, Addl. DCP East Zone said that the victim was declared dead by the doctors at Osmania General Hospital.
It may be mentioned that Sohail had went to the girl’s house on Tuesday. Soon, the girl started screaming for help. When house owner rushed to the spot, he saw the accused.
Giving the details of the case, Inspector of police said that preliminary investigation revealed that the accused committed this crime after getting the information that victim’s marriage was fixed with another person.
Earlier, police had registered a case under section 307 (attempt to murder) of IPC. However, after the death of the victim, police removed section 307 and added section 302 (Punishment for murder) to the case. The investigation is going on.