Hyderabad: A science graduate who posed herself as a Cancer Patient and collected lakhs of money was arrested by Banjara Hills Police. According to the details, Ms. Samia Abdul Hafeez (22) a science graduate was a resident of Saidabad. Her father, Abdul Hafeez was a cancer patient. He was admitted in Apollo Hospital for treatment. She used to visit her father in the hospital. She got all the details from the doctor. The doctor helped her by giving an interview for help on humanitarian grounds. She prepared a page on facebook with the name “Go Fund Samia”. She manipulated with the medical record of her father and got her name included in place of her father. She appealed to the social media to help her. She got Rs. 22 lakh from Gulf countries. One of the donors went to Apollo Hospital to know the details about her treatment. He was shocked to know that there is no cancer patient in the hospital by name Samia. The person registered a complaint in Banjara Hills Police station. She was arrested.
According to the reports, out of Rs. 22 lakh, she spent Rs. 10 lakh for her father’s treatment and the remaining amount was utilized by her to clear the debts. Now, there is only Rs. 500 left in her account. Mr. Srinivas, Inspector of Police gave the details of the case.
–Siasat News