Hyderabad: A gang of five, including a woman were arrested on Friday for allegedly duping a man in the name of exchange of black money with real money. The Keesara police of Medchal Malkajgiri district arrested the gang and seized more than one crore fake/dummy currency notes and 1.3 lakh original currency along with a Mahindra Marazzo car.
The police stated that on September 3, they received a complaint from a businessman, Narreddy Raji Reddy, 44, of Karimnagar district according to which, the complainant got acquainted to Bhagyalaxmi six months ago. She reportedly told the complainant that she will help him purchase property in Shamirpet, Hyderabad at very low price, for which she had asked the complainant to arrange Rs 5 lakh in advance.
Subsequently, on 2nd, the complainant with the money, started to Shamirpet in his car, along with his driver, Jitendar. However, on the way he received a call from Anwar, one of the accused, stating that Bhagyalaxmi is unable to come to Shamirpet.
Anwar then referred him to Azam, another accused.
At around 4:30 pm, the complainant met Azam near Tandoor Hotel in Shamirpet, where the victim shifted to Azam’s car along with the cash bag and left his driver and car there.
When they reached near Thimmaipally outskirts, three people, one in a police uniform stopped the car and accused Azam and the complainant of carrying black money. They then, made Mr Reddy step out of the car and another person sat in the driver’s seat and all five of them fled with the money leaving him stranded.
After some time, the complainant reached Shamirpet and called Anwar and Bhagyalaxmi, who told him not to worry and that they will help recover his money. However, later they switched off their mobile phones and vanished, after which Mr Reddy filed a police complaint.
Based on the complaint, the police said that they started an investigation and arrested all the five accused on Friday.