Hyderabad: The elusive leopard that created scare on city roads four days back has been again spotted at Himayath Sagar on Sunday morning. The movement of wild animal has created a panic among the villagers.
After the latest movement of the wild cat, teams of forest officials and police have swung into action, rescue operation has been started again in and around Himayath Sagar.
“Few locals have spotted the leopard near the bed of Himayath Sagar, it has come there to drink water, rescue operations have again started by the forest officials” said ACP Rajendra Nagar.
The news of movement of leopard has created a panic among the villagers near Himayath Sagar.
On May 14, forest officials and police have carried out rescue operation at a farm house, abutting Budvel railway station and the big cat cat gave a slip and sneaked into Himayat Sagar area.