Hyderabad: A video has come forward from the Banjara Hills police station where a Nagaland woman can be seen drunkely brawling with on duty lady police officers.
The woman identified as Lisa who was found lying on the road in fully intoxicated condition by police on Saturday night, She was taken to the station that night.
On Sunday, upon being stopped by the police, when she tried to flee from the police station, the woman who is a native of Nagaland working in an IT Company in Hyderabad, became agitated and started screaming at the lady police officers.
She then in a drunken state started shoving a lady police constable, repeatedly beating and pushing the constable. At this, the woman grew even angrier and started pushing other senior police officers who were trying to intervene to stop the fight.
When the police women tried to restrain her, she attacked them. She bit the hand of a woman constable and scratched the neck of another constable with her nails.
The police women finally overpowered her. Police said they would hand
over the woman to her parents.