Hyderabad: The LB Nagar police have arrested drug peddler Gandasiri Nagaraju. He was earlier detained under PD Act by the Hyderabad Commissioner of Police July 7 last year. Soon after revocation of the Preventive order in February, 2018, he continued to indulge in similar offences.
Nagaraju used to purchase Ganja from Visakhapatnam at lower price and sell the same through his associates in Hyderabad at higher prices..
On a tip-off, the Bibinagar police nabbed the associates of Nagaraju namely Telu Naga Venkata Sathyanarayana, Korupula Lova Raju on June 6, 2018 at Guduru Toll gate while illegally transporting Ganja in an Auto. Later the police nabbed Nagaraju and two of his associates and recovered Auto trolley with 286 kg Ganja, a Samsung phone, Rs 1,000 cash, a Toyota car, a Nokia phone and one Samsung phone from his possession and his associates. All the accused were arrested and remanded to judicial custody.
With a view to preventing them from indulging in such illegal activities, Rachakonda Commissioner of Police Mahesh M. Bhagwat, IPS, invoked Preventive Detention order on both today and sent them to Cherlapally Central Prison. (NSS)