Hyderabad: With the season of vectorborne diseases fully enticing the city, the GHMC has commenced anti-larval operations on Gurunadham Lake in Miyapur (Hyderabad) using drones.
The 20-acre lake was almost completely covered in water hyacinths and mosquito infestations. Residents raised several complaints over the inconvenience due to the mosquitoes, following which GHMC officials engaged drones for spraying bioenzymes. GHMC Mayor, Bonthu Ram Mohan along with Zonal Commissoner Hari Chandana Dasari officially launched the anti-larval operations on Friday.
The GHMC has engaged with Hyderabad based drone company MARUT to tackle the issue of Hyacinth.
The drone can effectively spray the entire anti-larval enzyme in the pond in a short span of time. It is a custom made 10 Litres Drone was fitted with bioenzymes comprising of neem, citrodora sprays to dry and remove water hyacinths, and also Pyrethrum herbal chemical, to eradicate mosquitoes.
It may be mentioned here that, anti-larval operations with the help of drones have been done in Miyapur lake and also Musi river in Hyderabad.
“Apart from curbing the mosquito meance, the spray would also curtail the growth of Hyacinth. With manual spraying, it is almost impossible to cover the entire expanse and reach the middle of the lake,” the Mayor said.
He added that drone is able to reach every part of the surface area that had to be sprayed, from the edges of the lake right to the middle.