Hyderabad Diary

Dear Non Resident Hyderabadis, Here on the seventh day of Ramzan , the pious month is in full swing. The whole of Hyderabad or for that matter the region which was literally panting and praying for rains in vain, at last had the first good showers with the starting of Ramzan. Surely it was like a Ramzan gift from Allah to one and all. Ramzan as usual with we Hyderabadis is being observed with all solemnity and piety. Unlike other days all our Mosques are full all the five times . In most of the houses the TV sets have been switched off for a month. All our Bhais are refraining from their usual loose talk and walk they are used to during other months. In a way we are postponing our usual ways and lifestyle until after Ramzan.

We fast all day, and as usual in the evenings we attack the Haleem Kiosks with full gusto. But a slight pinch this time, our delicious Haleem has become dearer.

The gruesome Mecca Masjid bomb blast anniversary went unsung. All our praying Muslim brethren who lost their lives in the Namaaz on that Friday, may Allah lift them straight to Jannat ,were simply forgotten but repeated condolences were paid to the Gokul Chat and Lumbini Gardens victims throughout the day all the TV channels repeatedly.

Our Police and the Intelligence is yet to come out with a white paper with all surety as to who was behind it. It is loud and clear by now who was behind it. But some of our innocent brethren who were rounded up immediately after the incident on mere suspicion are still rotting in jails without any trail. May Allah have mercy on them and their families and get them released at the earliest.

As all over, we too are facing the brunt of the scare of Swine-flu for no fault of ours. The swine-flu patients toll has gone up to 151. May Allah keep all the good ones safe from it.

There has been a Sarkozy fall out in Hyderabad. In one of the Girls colleges in Mehdipatnam, there has been trouble, almost a mini riot after the Principal made a derogatory remarks about the Burkha. Things have subsided and are normal after the Principal apologized.

And a Johnny of a Politician has predicted and declared that Telengana will be formed definitely in 2014, when Rahul Gandhi becomes the Prime Minister.

So, Bhais so much for today, will be back with a fresh round up tomorrow.

—-Siasat News–