Hyderabad: Hyderabad Police have issued a warning notice to illegal two wheeler motorists in Hyderabad. Police Commissioner Anjani Kumar tweeted this. Motorists are warned that if they do not keep the number plate clearly visible, they are suspected of being chain-snatchers. He announced this through social media platform Twitter on Wednesday.
Anjani Kumar tweeted that they have records of nearly two thousand vehicles with false number plates. Cases were registered against 384 motorists who were riding with inaccurate number plates on Tuesday, commissioner of police said. He urged the Hyderabad citizens to immediately take a photo of the number plate to what’s up this number 9490616555 if the number plates were found to be improper.
They often violate the rules of road safety. Others rotate with fake number plates. Because of this, many people do not come across the traffic police photographs. It is in this context that the latest alert by the police is preferred.