Hyderabad: College of Defence Management, OU to renew ties

Hyderabad: The college of Defence Management (CDM) has renewed an exisisting Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Osmania University.

The CDM, located in Secunderabad, is the military forces’ flagship management educational college. The college’s training programmes are aimed at improving defence service officers’ managerial abilities in many disciplines of management principles, techniques, and application at the executive director level to handle various management challenges in the defence services.

Due to the growing popularity and demand for the management courses offered at CDM, vacancies in both MMS and PhD programmes have been increased.

A new MoU has been signed in the presence of CDM Vice-Chancellor, Prof D Ravinder by Rear Admiral Sanjay Datt, VSM, Commandant, and OU Registrar Prof P Laxminarayana, incorporating the most recent UGC regulations.

The senior defence official said that the renewal of this MoU has “further strengthened the 28-year old bond between these two elite institutions”, Hans India reported.