Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Wednesday held a review meeting on the power sector at Pragathi Bhavan and assured that the government would give necessary financial support to the Telangana Electricity Organisation”>Electricity Organisations and would extend all the support to them and stand by them.
He said that all the required measures will be taken to prevent the electricity organisations getting into any financial crisis, as the electricity organisations have proved their mettle in generation, distribution and supply of power and they stood as a role model to others in the country. Since the state’s development is depended on the working of the electricity organisations, he said the government would protect them.
KCR also announced that a stringent method would be put in place so that the Government institutions, departments and local bodies pay their power bill dues on time.
The CM said Power Week will be observed shortly in all the villages and towns in the state to settle all the power-related problems and issues.
“In Telangana development and progress, electricity organisations play an important role. At the time of state formation, there was a severe power crisis. Now Telangana State has become a role model in the country in the power sector. Uninterrupted power is being supplied to all the sectors in the state round the clock. Due to the supply of quality power, there is growth and development in the industrial sector. They should not face any financial problems come what may. At the same time, there should not be any power breakdown even for a fraction of a second. To achieve this, whatever to be done by the government will be done,” the CM stated.
He also said that gram panchayats and municipalities have to pay heavy power dues failing which concerned officials will be punished.
“It is regrettable that power bills are not paid on time. Bills should be paid for the power utilised. From now onwards, village panchayats, municipalities, corporations should pay their power bills every month without fail. If the bills are not paid on time, in the village, the sarpanch, village secretary, in municipalities the chairperson, commissioners will be punished,” the CM said.
He also reiterated that the government will bear the expenditure with regard to free power to the farmers and the lift irrigation schemes and projects.
Chief Minister KC Rao instructed the Irrigation and Electricity officials to make an assessment regularly on how much quantum of power is needed from time to time for the Lift Irrigation Schemes and how to procure it. They should make estimates based on their assessment and go ahead with the action plan.
The CM also suggested that solar power, which is available at a cheaper rate, should be procured to meet the heavy demand due to the Lift Irrigation schemes, and asked the officials concerned to invite tenders for 1000 MWs of solar power.