Hyderabad: CISF to deploy high-tech scanners at airports across India

Hyderabad: The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) will be deploying full-body scanners in airports across the country to facilitate modernise security systems and passenger convenience.

These new body scanners can detect metals in addition to foreign objects like drugs inside the human body, leading to curbing the smuggling of contraband at airports.

The Bureau of Civil Aviation Security constituted a technical sub-committee to examine, evaluate and recommend testing protocols for full body scanners that were on a trial run in airports at Hyderabad, Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Kochi, Pune, and Chennai.

Speaking at the annual press conference prior to their ‘Raising Day’ which is to be held at NISA (National Industrial Security Academy) Hyderabad, CISF ADG Airport Security Gyanendra Singh Malik said, “The full body scanner system is under the process of implementation and will be deployed in the airports across the country in a phased manner.”

Hand-held metal detectors and door metal detectors besides CT and X-Ray machines for the detection of metals were used by the security forces to date.

While blowing away the rumours, the CISF stated that no proposal was sent to the union government for the deployment of their personnel on board flights to tackle any issue.

NISA director K Sunil Emmanuelwhie speaking on the occasion said that the Academy also offers specialized courses besides training foreign nationals from friendly foreign countries.

The CISF has further introduced buddy pairs at all levels to improve interpersonal communication skills in the Aviation Security Group (ASG),

In addition to the above, Holistic Awareness and Risking Potential (SHARP), a training programme had been devised by the airport sector of the CISF to upgrade the domain knowledge, skills, aptitude, leadership, and acumen of the ASG personnel.