Hyderabad: Centre conducts citizen perception survey on Ease of living

Hyderabad: The Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Development is conducting a survey on the Ease of Living in cities with a population of more than 10 lakhs.

The Ease of Living, Citizen Perception Survey 2022 will be conducted in the city as well to test the quality of living in the Greater Hyderabad region.

Citizens have to answer the questions prepared by Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Development about all 17 key civic service facilities on house rent, public transport, etc. As the survey on standard of living has started from Thursday itself, the city dwellers can participate in the survey through the relevant QR code to get a good ranking of the city.

Either through the URL to participate in the survey. The survey is being conducted in 8 languages. Question papers are available in Telugu, Hindi, English, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Marathi and Gujarat languages.

Steps for Citizen Perception Survey

Step 1: Enter Url : https://eol2022.org/
Step 2: Click on Take Survey
Step 3: Enter Citizen Details
Step 4: Select State as Telangana and Select City as Hyderabad
Step 4: Click on proceed
Step 5: Enter responses for all 17 questions and submit