Hyderabad: Animal Husbandry minister T Srinivas Yadav today said that for first time Bonalu festival will be conducted at temples by pujaries due to Corona effect.
In the twin Cities these bonalu festivities have to be conducted on a low key affair, he clarified.
The people have to celebrate the same at their houses as they cannot venture into streets to visit temples as he said.
At MCRHRD Srinivas Yadav conducted a review meeting on the famous bonalu festival. Later the minister told media persons that the state festival Bonalu will be conducted by the pujaries at the respective temples. The people should cooperate for this as part fight against Covid-19, he said.
Despite measures, the virus is spreading and we have it fight it followibg all nirms, Srinivas Yadav said. The pujaries were instructed to conduct the Bonalu rituals as per previous formalities, he said.
The people can prepare Bonalu and offer the same to the Sun god and put the same at their houses, he suggested.