Hyderabad: Biodiesel carrier truck catches fire at ORR, no deaths

Hyderabad: A truck that was carrying biodiesel caught fire on the Outer Ring Road (ORR) near Shamirpet Exit 7 in the afternoon on Saturday causing a traffic jam.

After the incident, a fire tender from the Shamirpet fire office rushed to the spot and doused the fire before explosion.

According to fire safety officials, an electric short circuit might be the reason behind the fire.

Luckily, nobody was injured in the mishap and no casualties were reported.

Several commuters halted at a safe distance and shot videos of the burning truck.

A fire safety official said, “the situation was controlled within minutes. It was fortunate that the fire had only engulfed the front part of the vehicle. The driver parked the vehicle above an underpass and exited on time.

The official further added, “the situation could have been worse had the fire reached the container.”

The Shamirpet police later towed the lorry away and cleared the traffic jam caused by the mishap.