Hyderabad: Once again the incident of change of new-born babies has come to limelight. Ms. Tahmina Sultana, a resident of Kishan Bagh registered a complaint at Charminar Police Station in which she alleged that the baby girl she had given birth has been changed with another woman, Yadamma’s daughter.
She claimed that the baby given to her is not her child. It is the daughter of Yadamma, resident of Kali Khabar who was admitted in the same maternity ward. She informed this to the management of the hospital. On her complaint, police registered a case of cheating and carelessness against the management of the hospital.
Mr. Ashok Chakravarti, ACP of Charminar Police informed that the blood samples of both the mothers were extracted and sent to State Forensic Lab. Police is investigating this case.
–Siasat News