Hyderabad: Azmet Jah doesn’t deserve Nizam IX title; says Nawab Najaf Ali

Hyderabad: Nawab Najaf Ali Khan stated on Sunday that Azmet Jah doesn’t deserve to hold the title of Nizam IX.

Khan argued in a written appeal that Azmet Jah’s father never lived in Hyderabad and as such he has “never learnt about thr Asif Jahi Tehzeeb or rituals.” As such, he cannot be referred to as the “head of the Asif Jah dynasty” when all he knows is exclusion of the family and leaving no stone unturned to sit on the throne on his father’s Ziyarat day.

Najaf Ali Khan said that Mukarram Jah (the titular Nizam of Hyderabad) did not have any interest in the title awarded to him which in turn complicated his life. He further became a silent witness which led to his downfall as well as the downfall of the entire family.

“Even though he had the enormous wealth and resources to better the condition of the family, he didn’t wish to stay in Hyderabad and look after family issues. If he had taken action when the family’s condition became dilapidated, this
situation would not be faced by a once majestic family,” he argued.

Khan stated that Azmat Jha’s declaration raises several objections and rejections.

“Firstly, a “Decree” can only be pronounced by a Court, government authority or the head of a state. A decree that self-proclaims a common citizen as the head of a dynasty is not legally valid, especially so after the abolishment of Titles and Privy Purses in 1971,” he said.

Khan further brought up the tale of Nizam VII, who passed away on 24th February 1967.

“Not even three days had passed since his death, when on 27th February 1967, Mukarram Jah obtained and presented a certificate that allowed him to take control of and seize all the private properties, movable and immovable wealth held by Nizam VII,” he wrote.

Khan further said that this led to the onset of the seventh Nizam’s ultimate destruction to the family as it allowed him to smuggle uncountable national and familial artifacts out of India, sell and profit from them.

“However just within a year, on 26th January 1968, this certificate was quashed by the Andhra Pradesh High Court in W.P. No 863 of 1967 Ahmedunnisa Begum Alias Shahzadi Begum vs Union of India rep by Secretary Ministry of Home Affairs Government of India Mew Delhi and Mukarram Jah Bahadur,” he wrote.

Excerpts from the judgement:

“In the result we hold that the Government of India has no power or jurisdiction whether under Article 362 or otherwise to issue the certificate recognizing the 2nd Respondent as the sole successor to all the private properties moveable and immoveable held by the late Nizam or to authorize transfer of the private properties to the 2nd Respondent. Accordingly, we allow the writ Petition with costs and quash the certificate dated 27.2.1967 issued to the Nizam the 2nd Respondent relating to the successor to private property of the late Nizam”.

When Mukarram Jah challenged the 1968 Judgement of Andhra Pradesh High Court in the Supreme Court, he requested Union of India to become party towards his support of the Succession Certificate. The Union of India refused to help him and they were more interested to help the heirs of Nizam VII to recover possession which they lost only on account of the certificate as and said in ref Ministry of Law (Shri R.S. Gao Secretary) MHA/U.O. No1/3/-Poll. III dated 28-3-68 Page no 13 para 5.

“And if the order quashing the certificate is not reversed, certainly it is the duty of the Government to help the heirs of the late Nizam to recover possession which they lost only on account of the certificate”. Further in 1971, in the 26th Amendment of the Constitution of India, the Government abolished all Titles, and Privy Purses held by the princely states. The Constitution explicitly states the follows: “363A. Recognition granted to Rulers of Indian States to cease and privy purses to be abolished. – Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution or in any law for the time being in force.”

The Prince, Chief or other person who, at any time before the commencement of the Indian Constitution (Twenty-sixth Amendment) Act, 1971, was recognized by the President as the Ruler of an Indian State or any person who, at any time before such commencement, was recognized by the President.

Nizam IX title not applicable

“It is imperative to note that TWICE, in 1968 and 1971, the title held by Mukarram Jah was quashed and abolished by competent government authorities thus rendering his title as Nizam VIII null and void,” Khan added.

“Issued as per the instructions of Walashan Azmet Jah Bahadur” Azmet Jah has self-proclaimed himself as IXth Nizam of Asaf Jahi Dynasty by issuing the self-declaration dated Friday 20th January 2023 issued by his office signed by 2 persons, both who are not a part of the Nizam Family,” he wrote.

“The said Succession Certificate dated 27.02.1967 was misused several times by his GPA’S to sell Wakf and ancestral properties worth crores of rupees and cause irreparable financial damage to the family. It has also been misused by them to claim compensations by claiming that Mukarram Jah is the sole successor to his grandfather and to the Properties left behind by him. For over half a decade, these illegal and atrocious acts have pushed the family into a state of desolate financial ruin and caused damage that cannot be undone,” he mentioned.

This certificate was falsely presented in the London High Court which caused the family a financial damage of over 25 million pounds, leading to a loss in reputation and infringement of rights.

To provide the final clarity on this, Prince Mukarram Jah’s status in 1971, has been reduced to a common citizen and he was no more a sovereign ruler.

Khan said that he has alerted both the Central and State government on the misuse of this certificate. He also said that strict legal action will be pursued to prevent misuse of this null and void title and curb any misinformation that stems
from it.