Hyderabad: In an unusual incident in Hyderabad, an ATM at Vanasthalipuram on Friday dispensed damaged currency notes of Rs 2,000. Srikar Aditya with his debit card withdrew Rs 10,000 but soon got distraught after all of the five notes were defaced and torn.
With no proof and no one present at the ATM, Aditya did not know what to do. “I just waved the notes at the CC camera and walked out. With no idea on whom to approach, I went to a police station and lodged a complaint so that there would be some proof,” Aditya said as per a report by The Hindu.
Aditya in a tweet, attached the picture of damaged notes and wrote: “All 5 notes(Rs.10000)(2000 denomistions) withdrawn from @TheOfficialSBI ATM at vanastalipuram are torn and unusable. Is @TheOfficialSBI trying to cheat the public with such kind of notes. How do you even dare to put in the ATMs with your sticker @TheOfficialSBI.”
All 5 notes(Rs.10000)(2000 denomistions) withdrawn from @TheOfficialSBI ATM at vanastalipuram are torn and unusable. Is @TheOfficialSBI trying to cheat the public with such kind of notes. How do you even dare to put in the ATMs with your sticker @TheOfficialSBI .(1/2) pic.twitter.com/rRDuPwIiyt
— Srikar Aditya (@Srikar_Aditya) May 11, 2018
Another person with the similar issue whom Aditya accompanied, had withdrawn his whole salary on Friday amounting to Rs 28,000. “He told me he drew his entire salary, but is stuck with bad notes,” Aditya said.
Both filed complaints against the bank in Vanasthalipuram police station. Meanwhile, the SBI officials called it a rare incident and blamed the vendors for placing damaged cash inside the machine. The officials also informed that the notes drawn from any ATM may be exchanged with the currency chest branch of the same bank. Moreover, the customer may show the damaged notes to the CC camera inside the ATM cabin.