Hyderabad Art Society (HAS) is presenting “75th All India Art Exhibition-2016” featuring the artists from all over India. Selected artworks are in display and Awards Ceremony will be followed immediately after the Inauguration. The Opening reception is on January 27th at 6.00 PM at Hyderabad Art Society, Exhibition Grounds, Nampally, Hyderabad.
Smt. Kalvakuntla Kavitha, MP is our Honorable Chief Guest of the evening. Sri. Venugopala Chary, Government Advisor at New Delhi, Sri K. V. Ramana Chary, Advisor, Government of Telangana are Guest of Honors. Sri B. Venkatesham IAS, Secretary, Government of Telangana for Tourism and Culture and Sri Anil Swaroop Mishra, Vice President, Sri Satyender Vanam, Secretary of Exhibition Society or invited as Special Invitees. Please find the Invitation attached.
We heartily welcome you and request you to give our activities a good exposure. It will help our organization to encourage real talented artists of the nation.