Hyderabad: Another heinous crime was reported in Santosh Nagar area wherein the husband of a 6 month bride was forcing her to establish illegal sexual contacts with his uncle. According to the reports, 35-year-old Muzammil Muneer, resident of Chanchalguda married Tabassum Begum, resident of Fateh Shah Nagar, Santosh Nagar on 9th September 2016. The woman lodged a complaint in police station that her husband is impotent and he was forcing her to establish illegal sexual contacts with his uncle Mubeenuddin.
Encouraged by his nephew’s permission, Mubeenuddin molested Tabassum Begum twice. She made a complaint in the police station on 11th March.
Police Santosh Nagar, registered a case under sections 498 (A), (B) and 354 (A) and started investigations.
–Siasat News