Hyderabad: TSSPDCL Asst Engineer caught taking bribe

Hyderabad: The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) caught an Assistant Engineer of TSSPDCL, Medchal Malkajgiri district for demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs. 12,000 from a private contractor for doing official work.

The official S Anil Kumar, working as assistant engineer, had allegedly demanded a bribe from Bollaram Bal Narsimha, a private electrical contractor to prepare a ‘work completion report’ and forward it to higher officers.

On a complaint from the contractor the ACB laid a trap and caught the contractor red-handed. The tainted amount was seized from him and both of his fingers tested positive results in a chemical test.

The Assistant Engineer was produced before the Honourable First Additional Special Judge for SPE and ACB cases, Hyderabad.