Hyderabad: Ninety-five persons, who were charged with drunken driving in the city were convicted and sentenced to undergo imprisonment. Besides, driving licenses of 41 offenders were canceled by the III & IV Metropolitan Magistrate Court at Erramanzil. The magistrate also imposed fine of Rs 11,17,900 on the convicts.
Six of convicts were sentenced to 10-days imprisonment, another two for seven days, three for six days, four for five days, 11 for four days, 19 for three days, 50 for two days. All the convicts were lodged in the Chanchalguda jail. Driving licenses of eight were canceled permanently and licenses of 41 were suspended, Joint Commissioner of Police (Traffic) Hyderabad City, said, adding that the offenders will be sent for counseling at TTI, Goshamahal and Begumpet.
The Joint Commissioner of Police said the drive against drunken driving was conducted from April 16 to April 20 and 519 charge-sheets were filed against the offenders. They were produced in the III and IV Metropolitan Magistrate Court, Erramanzil, Hyderabad. The delinquents, who were caught and convicted in drunken drive cases, would face difficulties in getting government jobs, passport and visa clearance. (NSS)