Hyderabad: 70% power consumers tamper with electricity meters

Hyderabad: With 6.3 lakh consumers, the Chaminiar zone is the largest consumer of the Telangana State Southern Power Distribution Corporation Limited (TSSPDCL). It has recorded the highest percentage of cases regarding tampering of electricity meters.

It has also recorded the highest number of electricity thefts, and is yet to recover Rs 52 crore in outstanding bills, power theft among others. TSSPDC officials are concerned over the issue stating that about 70 percent of consumers indulge in meter tampering and incorrect meter readings.

80 percent of consumers in the Charminar zone belong to the domestic category, followed by the industrial and commercial categories. It includes areas of Charminar, Aramgarh and Begum Bazaar.

An official from the department was quoted by Deccan Chronicle as saying, “Our vigilance teams have initiated intensive search operations to detect such cases.” He further added, “We conduct surprise checks, book cases against power theft and tampering and penalise individuals as per the TSSPDCL Violation Act.”