Hyderabad: 5 kg ovarian tumour removed from 64 yr old woman

Hyderabad: City doctors surgically removed an ovarian tumour weighing 5 kg from the abdomen of a 64 year-old woman. 

The Renovo Hospitals, Langer Houz announced on Tuesday that the surgery was performed by a group of specialists led by onco-surgeon Dr Sanjay Yadagiri, Dr Padmavathi and general surgeon Dr Gangadhar, and anesthesiologist Dr Pradeep. 

The woman was suffering from abdominal pain for a long time after she underwent uterus removal surgery 25 years-ago.

Gynecologist Dr Padmavathi said that clinical examination has indicated a huge mass weighing in the abdomen and imaging tests revealed Mucinous cystadenoma, a benign cystic tumour, in the ovary.

The hospital said that the woman was in healthy condition after the surgery.